Friday, January 25, 2013

Home, Hearth and Health

The peppermint oil bubbles on candle lit burners throughout my home.
It seems the 24 hr. stomach bug has visited us.
Kathryn down and up,
Liam down wanting to be up...
Hopefully breast milk works its magic on Little A,
prenatals for me,
and for the man who takes care of us all; I hope these little things continue to pierce his heart and sow seeds deep, deep down.

Aw seeds, I have been dreaming of planting. I miss my raised beds full of tomatoes, lettuce, purple bell peppers, squash, onions and mums. Every other week I see what is no longer mine and it makes me sad. For so long I wanted a little patch of earth to call my own and when it was finally allowed I had it for a season.
Instead I look through the pictures from Territorial seed company (thanks to my Beauty)

Everything seems to be in restart mode and I have to slow down.
I have to think of my hidden name, Cerelisa, Springtime.
I am after all an Aries.
I just don't know how many more refining fires I can experience :)

For now I'll keep moving, step by step, down a path towards a secret garden.