Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I have been doing a lot of walking as of late.
In the sun mixed with showers, in the fog, in the pouring rain, I bundle up Aiden, into the walking/biking stroller he goes and we are off!

Did you know that your body automatically starts to process information when you walk. Think of it as an active mental exercise. As you walk and forward your mind is able to move forward. I dare not walk backward!

In between play time, housework, and my business I have found a time to spruce up my resume to see what is out there. I don't know if I'll hear anything but I have to cover my bases and make sure that as a divorced woman of three I can provide for my children no matter what the cost may be. Hopefully at a minimal price to be paid my children.

Thankfully we have castles to draw and play inside, books to read, music to dance and let our hair down, and paths to walk!


  1. You make this sound like so light a thing, but I know the wheels that turn in your brain when you walk. I am very sorry that it is true, but the wheels are right. I love you and I'll be here whenever your feet lead you my way.
