Thursday, May 24, 2012

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

Well, these past few days have been "interesting" and by interesting I mean highs, lows and the first bought of summer depression.

I'm sure that this will be TMI so consider this fair warning:...I am sex depraved.
I am seriously considering buying a friend of the vibrating nature. Perhaps this is a bit of an over reaction from my pregnant hormones, but I can only be told no so many times.
There are so many excuses of "I'm tired" or "I'm not as horny as you" that I can hear before I start to wonder what is wrong with me?
Granted, if it were my way I'd be knocking it out every day, but I can compromise, every other day; maybe every two. But it's been nearly a week and with a full Memorial Day Weekend coming up where there will be little privacy chances are that the time line will extend far beyond.
So I'm a little bit more cranky, a little bit more retreated into myself and to be honest a little depressed.
And I don't really feel like I can talk about it.
So you get to read about it.

I realize I have more to offer than sex, but this is the time in my life where I revel in being a sexual being.  I'm a woman in her early 30's who knows what she wants and I'm pregnant. I feel beautiful and sexy. And lately it's just been my imagination and magic fingers that provide any time of release.

I hate to even entertain the thought but I wonder if it's maybe the pregnancy...I suppose it could be. I don't know.

In all things Freudian, my little guy turns four next week.
And his dad and I will be celebrating separately. The divorce in someways has been harder on Bill but maybe that's because I'm so good at building walls and because for so long I desired to be free.
And that leads back to summer depression. My children are growing up so quickly. Time passes more quickly than I care to think about.
It's a summer funk. Maybe the forest is just what I needed this weekend.
Yes, the forest and my children...the only things that are truly mine.

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